Creating Collective Memories and Identities: Irish Americans and the Troubles
Contributed paper presentation. COST Action IS 1205: Agents Through Time - How Do People "Make History"? University of Limerick, 7 - 8 July 2016.
Narratives of Victimisation and Violence: Irish Americans and the Support for the IRA
Contributed paper presentation. Historical Justice and Memory Network (AHDA): The Politics of Memory: Victimization, Violence, and Contested Narratives of the Past. Columbia University, New York City, 3 – 5 December 2015.
Inherited Victimisation? Collective Memories of Irish Americans and Support for the IRA
Contributed paper presentation. International Symposium by the Royal Historical Society: Global Networks of Violence. University of Cambridge, 25 September 2015.
Irish Americans and the Troubles: Collective Memories and Identities in Terrorism
Contributed paper presentation. Society for Terrorism Research 9th Annual Conference: Contentious and Contemporary Issues in the Study of Terrorism. Birmingham City University, 10 – 11 September 2015.
Fear of Change: Young Unionists in Northern Ireland and their Search for Identity
Contributed paper presentation. 3rd Annual Nottingham Postgraduate Conference in Politics and IR: Identity, Crisis and Change. University of Nottingham, 12 June 2015.
Memory and Collective Identities: A 'Justification' for Terrorism?
Contributed paper presentation. International Conference Understanding Conflict: Research, Ideas and Responses to Security Threats. University of Bath, 8 – 11 June 2015.
Young Unionists in Northern Ireland: Using Political Violence in a Search for Identity
Contributed paper presentation. International Conference Understanding Terrorism and Political Violence: The role of Victims and Perpetrators. University College Cork / University of St Andrews, 30 March 2015.